Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ebb and Flow and Noticing the Turning Point

The Spring Sea Rising by Yosa Buson
The spring sea rising
and falling, rising
and falling all day.

The idea of ebb and flow has been on my mind a lot lately.  Those rhythms of nature that are echoed in our lives . . . abundance and scarcity, busyness and stillness, coming and going, sound and silence. 

Beside the sea I look out the window as I write and try to pay attention to when the tide is rising and receding but never quite catch that time of turning.  It's often the same way with my life.  I don't notice the waves creeping in until the water is around my ankles.  Part of this practice of paying attention is trying to be aware of when those sea changes are happening so I can consciously decide whether or not to stand and let them wash over me or move to higher ground. 

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