Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pondering Pilgrimage

Now that the pilgrimage is a few days behind me and I've caught up on my sleep (mornings come early in northern Wales . . . even earlier when there's a tree full of wood doves nesting outside your bedroom window) I'm finally having some time to reflect on my experience.   

Like many of the pilgrims, I embarked on this journey with some specific intentions, hopes and dreams.  I don't know if I found any answers along the way.  I think I gave up any need to find them fairly early on as I let myself just be fully present in each moment, not holding onto the perceived need to be still and silent.  Instead, I let myself wander and let the landscape speak to me.  What I did find, in looking back on the pictures I took, was that the images I captured seemed to focus mainly on doors and paths leading to who knows where.  Perhaps the perfect metaphor for the journey . . .

1 comment:

  1. You opened wide the doors of your perception--and mine this morning. O, these are amazing. Thank you.
